Ritual and ceremony are the language of the deep subconscious

We can bring ceremony and ritual into our daily practices and cultivate a life of balance,

Learn the history, art and impact of rituals & ceremonies and

how to bring ritual and ceremony

into your daily life

Some of the things you will learn:

  • How ceremony and ritual have been used throughout history and the reasons why

  • Learn The Shamanic ways and the ways of your own indigenous roots

  • Ways to bring ritual and ceremony into your daily practices and how to bring the mystical into the practical

  • How to set up an alter that reflects your spiritual lineage and a spiritual practice that support your soul’s evolution

  • How to create ceremonies and rituals for joy and connection, as well as, for healing deep core wounds and shadow aspects of yourself

  • Ritual & ceremonies to support your psychedelic medicine path

  • Tools and technologies used by different traditions around the world in ceremonial practices and initiations

  • How to create a cacao ceremony to gather community and to connect with the cacao, know as the “food of the Gods”

  • How to create a sacred fire ceremony to support your awakening and connection

  • How to work with the moon cycles and all the elements to reconnect to your indigenous Self, Mother Earth and your Soul

  • You will learn the rituals and ceremonies that will most support you at this time in your life