The Wisdom of the circle is very profound

Psychedelic Integration Circles provide community to share journeys and to give and receive support, wisdom and guidance.

We Are in The Midst of Unprecedented Times

We crave connection with nature, each other, with our ancestors and a Source greater than ourselves more than ever. Our wounds and trauma individually and collectively are emerging to be healed.

This can be uncomfortable, chaotic, scary. Our collective wounds and traumas go beyond one event, one race, one gender, one time period in history and are passed down and have been carried in our epigenetic for centuries.

These are wounds that go down to the deep roots, and we are all being called to do our own healing, and then to serve others.

Integration Circles

We have created an inclusive, safe and welcoming community exploring the psycho-spiritual use of psychedelics, plant medicines, and alter-states of consciousness as tools for self-discovery, transformational healing and transcendence.

Join a circle

New Scientific Researcher Shows That Engaging In A Loving, Supportive, Like Minded Community Is The Fastest Way To Thrive.


Understanding & Integrating Your Journey - The Real Work Of Change

Healing Trauma - In Community & In Our Bodies

Sharing The Practices & Tools To Support Your Transformation Process

Private Circle For Family, Colleges, Friends, Corporations

“What we can be, We must be” – Maslow